What is Pau d’Arco Bark?

January 6, 2018
Pau D'Arco Bark

Being winter usually means cold season has begun, we have already begun to sell a lot of our Super Hero Formula.  What makes this tea such a great herbal blend is not only the echinacea, but a little know herb that goes by the name of Pau d’Arco.  In the herbal world it is one of the best known, yet least understood herbs from the Amazon Rainforest, Pau d’Arco bark is a key ingredient within a tribal medicine chest.  The Pau d’Arco is retrieved from the inner bark of a species of canopy tree called the taheebo tree, that grows up to 125 feet high, with pink and violet colored flowers.

It is used in teas and tinctures, and is best taken with water laced with a bit of lemon juice.  The tannins from the juice help colon absorb more of the medicinal properties of the herb.  Pau d’Arco is claimed to strengthen the body’s natural immune system, especially a weakened immune system due to chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, oral thrush, yeast infections in women, cancer and tumors, as well as viruses (HIV).

To receive the maximum benefits of Pau d’Arco, you must administer the bark in an 8oz. cup of lemon water, 2-4 times a day.  1 teaspoon of tea should be slow boiled for 20 minutes.  Add a touch of honey and you are ready to go.

