Gingko Biloba’s Medicinal Purposes?

September 14, 2018
Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is a natural extract derived from the leaf of the Chinese gingko tree. The tree is also called the maidenhair tree and is known for its cerebral-enhancing effects. Why is gingko such a powerful herb to have in your medicine chest? The leaf contains two extracts that have rather high antioxidant properties. Flavonoids and terpenoids help to slow down the progressions of age-related cerebral diseases, such as dementia, and Alzheimer’s, including other cognitive disorders. Cognitive issues arise in old age due to the decrease in vascular dilation. The properties within the gingko leaf allow for increased blood flow, a boost in immune functions, as well as detoxification of the system. In other words, increased blood flow allowing for an improvement in transmissions between nerve signals that are responsible for memory, mood and other cognitive functions. Ginkgo has also been found to be a natural remedy for asthma and ADHA.

There are a number of positive attributes from taking gingko, that are not solely due to cognitive function.

1. Helps to fight anxiety and other mood disorders.
2. Helps to reduce the symptoms of PMS.
3. Helps to maintain eye health due to antibacterial properties.
4. Could improve libido and treat migraines due to the increase in blood flow.

Including quite a few others.

There are some risks to taking gingko. Consult with your physician before consuming this herb, due to its interactions with other drugs.

Example: Ibuprofen combined with Ginkgo can increase the risk of internal bleeding.

Even though this is an excellent herb for cognitive health, you should always know your herbs and possible interactions with pre-existing conditions.
