White Tea – Medicinal Elixer

January 5, 2018
White Tea Elixer

White Tea – Medicinal Elixer: Whenever it comes to tea categories concerning overall body and immune health, green and white teas come to mind.  In the US we have been told that green tea is the elixir that will not only help with skin, increasing metabolism and burning belly fat, but that green tea is the best for overall health.  In China they revere their green tea as well, but whenever it comes to warding off sickness, or boosting immune health whenever sickness is present, white tea is the medicine that is used.

White teas are more powerful than green whenever it comes to their ability to kill certain viral and diseased cells.  Where as green tea has the ability to defend against sickness and disease.

So, why the added cellular punch with white teas?  The answer is the growing and production process.  Being that the tea is picked so early on in the growing cycle, and is left almost completely in its natural state, it contains the highest levels of polyphenols of any other tea.  The less oxidation and processing a tea goes through the more polyphenols it contains.  With white tea, you have 100% polyphenol levels, without any cellular degradation.

Also, just remember that green and white teas contain very little caffeine.  Green tea is about 25 mg, and white tea is about 15 mg, with a regular cup of coffee having well over 100 mg.
