7 Reasons to Drink Tea Every Day

July 11, 2016
Drinking Tea Everyday

Tea is a great drink to have served hot or cold. Aside from its warm or refreshing properties, tea is also packed with an abundance of health benefits. As a matter of fact, drinking tea every day can improve your health. If you’re looking for an easy way to get more vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, tea may be the answer.

Here are seven reasons why you should have more tea in your diet.

It contains antioxidants.

Antioxidants are beneficial for the body because they protect the cells from free radicals. Free radicals are thought to increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases, so by eliminating them from the body, you lower your risk of developing serious health problems.

It can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Extensive research has been done on the effects of tea, and it clearly shows that drinking tea can reduce a person’s risk of both heart attack and stroke. In fact, one study found that when people drank 1-3 cups of green tea a day, they reduced the risk of heart attack by 20 percent and stroke by 35 percent.

It may protect your bones.

Recent animal studies have shown something else promising about tea: it may protect bone health. This is especially good news for older adults who struggle with osteoporosis or brittle bones.

It can boost the immune system.

There’s a reason why tea has always been recommended when you’re feeling ill. It turns out that the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the tea can strengthen the immune system. These nutrients work hard to stimulate the immune cells in the body so that they reach their targets faster. Plus, some teas, such as chamomile and ginger tea, can aid in digestion, helping people with tummy troubles.

It has less caffeine than coffee.

Herbal tea blends have no caffeine. Traditional teas like green and black teas have 50 percent less caffeine than coffee. This means that you can enjoy a tasty mug of warm tea without getting the jittery side effects.

It may improve oral health.

Researchers in Japan discovered that tea changes the pH levels in the mouth, possibly preventing cavities from forming. Plus, tea does not seem to erode teeth enamel like many other beverages do, including coffee and soda. So drink away and enjoy a brighter smile!

It’s calorie free.

When tea is unadulterated, it’s calorie-free. You can enjoy so much flavor plus so much variety (i.e., hot or cold) without having to put anything in your beverage. If you do choose to add some flavor to your tea, try a cinnamon stick, lemon wedge or squeeze of raw honey. Delicious!

Hopefully, these seven reasons have inspired you to better your health and drink more tea!