Can Tea Make Your Tummy Flat?

May 18, 2017

Can Tea Make Your Tummy Flat? Summertime is officially here! That means beach season! It’s officially the time of year that millions of people come to the slow realization that they’ve been slacking on their New Year’s resolution—you know, that one resolution that THIS will be the year to rock that perfect beach body. Unfortunately, abdominal fat can be stubborn. These days there’s heaps of products that claim to aid in achieving a flat tummy, but it’s not always easy to discern what’s legitimate. One solution that some people are swearing by? Tea blends for flat tummies!

Do certain tea blends really have innate properties that can help promote a flat tummy? The answer is more complicated than a simple yes or no. Unfortunately, there are no miracle teas that allow extra pounds to be effortlessly cast away. Consumers should be wary of anything that says otherwise! Some tea blends advertised online can contain dangerous laxatives and dietary supplements. It’s always a good idea to take a scrutinizing look at what’s going into your cup!
While they shouldn’t be taken for panaceas, tea blends that can help to boost antioxidant levels and stimulate metabolism do exist. Green tea is particularly helpful with this. It’s included in many weight loss products and is the base of most “weight loss” tea blends. The trick to using tea as a weight loss aid is to pair tea-drinking with a healthy diet and consistent exercise.
Green tea helps to cleanse the body of agents that cause bloating and build-up in the digestive track. Increasing consumption of green tea and lessening consumption of salty foods will help the body stay refreshed and hydrated, leading to the discharge of excess water weight. While this may not result in a perfectly concave stomach, it will certainly reduce the bloated look some tummies take on from excess gas and salt intake!
Leaving the sugar-laden vitamin drinks at home and refueling on a thermos full of iced green tea is going to leave you feeling more refreshed in the long-run. Thanks to being packed full of nutrients and minerals, Green tea also serves as a great exercise aid, refueling antioxidants and keeping the body energized. It’s not a do-nothing-get-results magical fat loss aid, but it’s certainly a powerful companion to a healthier lifestyle.
Many weight loss tea blends also include flavorful herbs such as peppermint, to sooth digestion, and chamomile, which stimulates gastric juices. Tin Roof Teas carries these herbs as well as a wide selection of green teas. We’d be glad to help you find the perfect match for your needs and lifestyle! Tea has been promoting good health and fitness for thousands of years, so the rise in popularity of tea as flat tummy treatment isn’t surprising to us. Our advice? Keep expectations realistic and make sure your tea is coming from a trustworthy source!
At Tin Roof Teas, we think there’s nothing better than a simple, healthy, and refreshing cup of tea.

(And just between you and us? You’re going to look great in that swimsuit regardless.)